¡Let´s sing oise Song!

Bild Lea Della Zassa in Weiningen 2022

e are happy to accept requests from Swiss schools to compose and write lyrics for a song together as part of ¡Let′s sing oise Song! Contact: christian@ssassa.ch

In May 2023, Christian Fotsch launched the intercultural song project “Let’s sing oise Song!” to celebrate diversity in Switzerland’s rapidly growing communities, where residents often hail from over 100 countries. This project uses music and dance to encourage children and youth to engage with their multicultural surroundings. Children, alongside teachers and local composers, help create song lyrics, fostering self-expression and cultural connection. To date, 18 songs have been published, with 15 more planned for 2025. The songs are created in collaboration with local artists from various musical genres. Dance choreographies are also rehearsed with professional dancers. The songs are then performed at a public closing event. We would like to thank our sponsors who support ¡Let′s sing oise Song! (logos see below)
Apart from the songs already released, songs in the following schools are planned: Zwillikon ZH, Altishofen LU, Melchnau BE, Maienfeld GR, Wil SG, Oberriet SG, Benken SG, Frauenfeld TG, Zürich SH Hardau, Sprachheilschule Thurgau in Romanshorn TG, Othmarsingen AG, Dübendorf ZH, Ecole primaire Prêles BE, ev. Sek Brühlwiesen Winterthur ZH, Sprachheilschule Biel BE, Neuenhof AG, more will follow.
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We would like to thank all the cultural institutions and sponsors who have made this project possible:

13 migros-kulturprozent
1 Kanton Aargau
3 Kultur macht Schule
4 Schule und Kultur
2 Kt. Zürich
5 EGS_Schriftzug_blau
7 Ueli Scchlageter Stiftung
10 Markus Kaufmann Stiftung
Logo Beyond Fondation 2021
GL Logo
8 Cassinelli Vogel Stiftung
Logo_R2025 klein
11 Weiningen
Beisheim Stiftung

1. Limmattaler Song: “Oises Winige”

The first project took place successfully from Dec. 5 – 9, 2022 in Weiningen. Christian Fotsch composed and produced the melody for the first song. The two teachers Nicola Blaser & Sonja Sendor wrote the lyrics. Sasha Shlain put the finishing touches to the song “Oises Winige” with his professional production.

Oises Winige - Gesang: Simone Haug

“Oises Winige” is the first song created as part of ‘Limmattaler Songs’ in collaboration between Ssassa and the Weiningen elementary school. These people are involved in the song, in chronological order:

Christian Fotsch: Komposition, Vorprodukten, Bouzoukie (Regensdorf, lebt in Mellingen)
Sonja Sendor & Nicola Blaser: Songtext (Lehrpersonen Weiningen)
Kinder der 2. und 3. Primarklasse Weiningen: Gesang (Weiningen)
Lukas Gasser: Schlagzeug, Bass (Zürich)
Ueli Gasser: Gitarren (Zürich)
Simone Haug: Gesang (Weiningen)
Franziska Heusser: Tenorsax (Zürich-Höngg)
Sasha Shlain: Bass, Synthesizer, Mixing & Produktion (Entlebuch)
Bild Lea Della Zassa - Weiningen 2022 Projektwocche Ssassa - Limmattaler Songs

Making – of

You can find out how the song came about by listening to the audio files with comments below:

  1. Finale Version mit Gesang von Simone Haug
  2. Finale Version mit Gesang von 7 Kindern der 2. und 3. Primarschule Weiningen
  3. Ursprüngliche Version, von Christian Fotsch ohne Worte gesungen und vorproduziert hat (inspiriert von einem Song, der den Kindern und Lehrpersonen in Weiningen gefällt)
  4. Provisorische Version von den beiden TextautorInnen und Lehrpersonen Sonja Sendor & Nicola Blase, Lehrpersonen der Primarschule Weiningen
  5. Frage 1 an Christian Fotsch: Wie kam es zur Idee?
  6. Frage 2: Worum geht es, was sind Limmattaler Songs?
  7. Frage 3: Wie entstand “Oises Winige”?

Limmattaler Songs

Oises Winige - 1. Song
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  • Oises Winige - Gesang: Simone Haug
  • Making of: Komposition und Vorproduktion
  • Oises Winige - Text von Sonja Sendor & Nicola Blaser
  • Frage an Christian: Wie kam es zur Idee
  • Was sind Limmattaler Songs, worum geht es?
  • Wie entstand der Song?

Limmattaler Zeitung LIZ, 21. Dez. 2022

Limmattaler Zeitung LIZ, 18. Januar 2022
