
Ssassa – Intercultural school-shows

Ssassa regulary perform in schools playing serveral different interactive, intercultural programs. Kids at all ages experience foreing music, dance and culture in a positive way in participating all the way throug the 60 minute school-concert. of great value are one day or even one week lasting projects with a finale show for the parents, relatives and friends.

Film on Youtube: 11 Minuten

Find a list with all the actual and past schoolshows at this link: “Schulhauskonzert Archiv”.

Program for kindergarden and primary school

Ssassa Schnabelwetzer Kinder

Ssassa proposes to schools a show for children of all ages. Three musicians and a danser invite the kids to participate in singing, clapping and dancing. They get to know 7 songs in 7 languages.
With over 20 original instruments like gajda, zurna, bouzoukie, flamencoguitar and darabuka Ssassa take their audiences on a journey from Sevilla through Balkan countires to Istanbul and Kairo.
Ssassa intend to obtain a new access for children of foreign origin, to find new pleasure in their cultures of origin. Often emigrated children hide their cultural background, in order to integrate. But they loose an important source, their roots. Also for native kids the program is of great joy: They participate right from the beginning and they might even learn, that foreign music and dance is exciting.

Details siehe interner Link: Schnabelwetzer

Schnabelwetzer 3 CD:

20 songs in 20 languages with 46 participating artists.
Hear the CD Schnabelwetzer

Cover CD Schnabelwetzer 3


Find the actual tourplan at this link

Booking and Infos: Christian Fotsch, 056 491 01 20,

Workshops, projects, intensive weeks

Workshop Collage

Ssassa offers to do musical workshops in schools. Depending on their age the kids visit workshops such as drumming, dancing, singing, building instruments, as well as doing slam poetry, hip-hop and break-dance. A day’s or much better a weeks intensive work will lead into a fulminant concerts for parants and relatives.

Christian Fotsch offers his support for planing the project.

Details siehe interner Link

Programm for secodary school

The Road of the gypsies

Interactive, intercultural program for secondary school with songs and dancees in these languages:

  • arabic
  • turkish
  • serbocroat
  • spanish
  • portugies
  • romanes
  • french


  • drumming
  • dancing (oriental, contempory & breakdance)
  • singing in different languages

Details internal Link

Program for all ages: Ssassa Flamenca – from Sevilla to Jajpur

Ssassa Flamenco

Four artists from Spain, India and Switzerland invite their audiences on to an exciting journey with flamenco dance and music. The intercultural trip starts in Andalusia, carries on to Skopja and Istanbul – areas where flamenco has a strong influence on their local music – and ends in Rajasthan, the origin of the gypsies.

Details internal Link

“Musaik” – Intercultural project for children (weekly workshops)


“Musaik” is the following proect of Beyond Cultures – an intercultural music project for children. Under the musical direction of Christian Fotsch, several music and dance groups from different cultures are working in individualy in groops of three to six children each. Each group is led by a teacher specialized in one of the cultures. They are trained in instrumental music, but also singing and dancing is part of the project. The children are between eight and sixteen years old. Most of them still have a close relationship with their culture of origin. Currently there are the following groups: Spain (in Zurich), Balkan (in Windisch and Mellingen), Switzerland (in Zurich), dialect songs (Schwiizer Kiddies). At least one public concert is held each year.

Internal Link:

Addresses of cantonal subsidies for school concerts with Ssassa:

  1. Aargau: Impulskredit

    Der Impulskredit des Kantons Aargau unterstützt mit bis zu 50% der Kosten die Teilnahme von Aargauer Schulklassen an professionellen Vermittlungsangeboten. Weitere Informationen unter

  2. Basel Land

    Subventionierung durch
    Gesuche für ein Schulprojekt können bei bei “kulturelles in schulen” (, Anne Schöfer, Amtshausgasse 7, 4410 Liestal,, gestellt werden. Das Merkblatt für Gesuchstellende ist bei zu finden.

  3. Basel Stadt

    Pro Jahr werden 6 Konzerte durch die Erziehungsdirektion zu 100% finanziert.


  4. Bern: Kulturgutscheine

    beim Kanton Bern können pro Schulklasse und pro Jahr Fr 800.- Kultur-Gutscheine bezogen werden. Damit können unsere Konzerte und Workshops teilweise oder sogar ganz finanziert werden. Bei diesem direkten Link können Sie sich anmelden:

    Achtung: Das Budget ist beschränkt, früh buchen lohnt sich!

  5. Genf

    Der Kanton Genf finanziert 16 Ssassa-Schulhauskonzerte pro Jahr zu 100%.


  6. Luzern: SchuKuLu

    Wir bemühen uns um einen kantonalen Beitrag an unsere Schulhauskonzerte und Workshops. Ein Gesuch ist hängig. Zur Zeit müssen 100% der Kosten durch die Schulgemeinde geleistet werden.

    Anmeldungen bei diesem direkten Link:

  7. Solothurn

    Der Kanton Solothurn subventioniert Ssassa-Schulhauskonzerte zu 50%.

    Bei diesem direkten Link kann das Formular bezogen werden:

  8. Thurgau: KKlick

    Der Kanton Thurgau subventioniert Ssassa-Schulhauskonzerte zu 50%.

    Bei diesem direkten Link kann das Formular bezogen werden:

  9. Waadt: Germanofolies

    Im Kanton Waadt verantatlet der Verein Germanofolies jedes Jahr eine ausgiebige Tournee mit dem Programm: Ssassa – Germanofolies

    Direkter Link für weitere Infos:

  10. Wallis, Kulturfunken

    Ssassa kann via diesen Link gebucht werden im Kanton Wallis:
    Die kantonale Subvention beträgt 50% der Kosten.

  11. Zürich: schule&kultur & Schulkultur (Stadt Zürich)

    Der Kanton Zürich subventioniert Schulhauskonzerte, sodass pro Aufführung nur Fr 600.- für die Schulgemeinde anfallen. Bei diesem direkten Link geht es zu den Details und zur Anmeldung:

    In der Stadt Zürich kann Ssassa per Intranet gebucht werden.


Here you can download the tour list-schoolhouse concerts-Ssassa as Excel from all current and past Ssassa-schoolhouse concerts. This table can also be sorted by canton, date and other criteria.
